Sunday, April 27, 2014

Getting to Know You

Let's start simply.  My name is Nikki.  I'm a (mostly) stay-at-home-mom to a beautiful little girl, piano teacher, and preschool aide at my church.  As a new mommy, I have gotten to experience the high peaks of joy and the low valleys of depression that such a wonderful life event can bring.  It's bizarre... Only after finding myself in this new role have I encountered both of these states of emotion all at once!  But seriously, with all those hormones making you feel crazy, combined with sleeplessness, it's hard not to feel sad sometimes; while at the very same moment you get to gaze into the steely blue eyes of the most precious thing you have ever seen, much less created yourself!  What delight that brings!

As I ponder the various scenarios that bring me joy and it's foe, I begin to realize that my little family and I don't truly belong to any culture or society, as far as Christianity, parenting, and food go.  We are Christians, but not what most people immediately think of when they hear that word.  We strive to live in a way that looks similar to Christ and advocate for TRUTH whenever possible.  This certainly does not mean we are perfect.  Only Jesus himself was the only perfect human.  We just try as hard as we can to be a reflection of HIM on this earth.  As parents, we also pave our own path away from mainstream society.  For example, our beautiful little girl is graced with designer genes.  She has Down Syndrome.  This provides us with many more challenges (but, also blessings) than your average mom or dad.  We also cloth diaper, parent in a way that does not put her in the center of our world, and make her food from scratch.  Similarly, with the way we feed ourselves, we don't follow the herd.  Inside our house there is not allowed processed food (for the most part). That means no soda, no tv dinners, nothing made with white flour or refined sugar, etc.  In addition, we strive to eat as organically as possible.   Sounds crazy to some, but it's just how we live!

So, because I don't truly belong anywhere, I named this blog "My Life in the Seam."  I am always on the edge of something, but frequently binding things together.  At 24, I'm still trying to figure out what defines me in all of this.  So far, I have faith, family, and food.  That's what this blog will focus on.  Maybe I'll even have a little "fun" while I'm at it.  Sorry...couldn't resist an opportunity for continued alliteration!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nikki! I've added your blog to my Feedly! I've loved keeping up with you on Facebook and I look forward to the wisdom and stories you'll be sharing here. Thanks for having been a dear friend when I really needed one during college. You're awesome! And congratulations on your new (ish) state of motherhood. I know you are a wonderful mom!
