Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Culture Shock

So, we've been in New Zealand for a little over 4 months now and are really starting to notice the subtle differences between our new home and our home land.  Here are a few we like to poke fun at:

From the first moment you set out on the streets of Christchurch, these will appear out of nowhere to ruin your day.  Think you know where you're going?  Think you can take the same way home?  Hah!  Try again, 'cause this road is CLOSED! 

See those white things painted on the road?  They're merely guidelines...

Watch out for cars zooming down the aisle of the car park, because even if you are this far out of your spot, they will not stop!

Why do these even exist?

These show up in unlikely places, like the supermarket.

Sometimes, these cost extra.

This is tea (or brekkie).

This is tea..

This is tea...

This is tea (or pudding)....

This is..... TEA!

These are capsicums.

These are coruguettes.

This is a pram.

This is petrol.

These are scones (pronounced skahns).

These are biscuits (I know, right)...

This is a place that shields you from the winter wind, where one room is heated somewhat consistently, but the rest remains frigid, unless you have a space heater (but, even then...)

This is what happens to your windows in winter.  Squeegee, Squeegee, Squeegee!

Learn to love them!

1 comment:

  1. Loved it!
    I'm looking forward to to ALL of those teas, and especially brekki, pudding, and tea lol.
